I saw this in a movie once...
Ok kids, I'm sure we have ALL seen the Christmas Story movie. I had the distinct pleasure a few weeks back when it was so shit ass cold so see a scene sort of relived from that movie. We received a call to respond to a local high school for the 15 year old female...with her tongue stuck to a light pole. Now just for the record, if it the air temperature is -15 and the wind chill is a shocking -30 do NOT I repeat DO NOT touch anything metal with your tongue. IT WILL STICK! So a little hot water on the tongue/pole junction point and just like that she was free. However, pulling against the pole your tongue is stuck to will tear the tongue. Trust me I've seen it. So after we got the bleeding to stop I asked Flick, I mean tongue girl, did she do that on her own or was she a victim of the infamous double dog dare. For those of you who may not believe me, you absolutely can't make shit like this up. People are really that stupid. It's good though cause it keeps me employed. Hee Hee.
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