Tuesday, January 16, 2007

That's not good....

Saturday was another work day for me. Started of like any other, last shift's crew had been busy with 15 calls between midnight and 8 am. So, we're fixin to go out and check the truck for the day, when a call comes in for a man with weakness. Turns out this guy is bleeding to death out his butthole. Commonly refered to as a GI bleeder. Has a very distinct smell. So we get this almost dead looking guy on the cot (stretcher) and start to take him downstairs. As were close in on the landing I felt the most GAWDAWFUL sensation. A tearing bruning feeling goes shooting down the right side of my back. Not good. We get him to the hospital and I am placed out of service and admitted to the ER. X-rays didn't really show anything so I get a shot of Tordol in my butt. Now I am not a big fan of shots, or needles, but Tordol works. Long story short I got sent home, and I had to be cleared to return to work. Every EMS person wonders when the day will come that will permenantly retire them from service. Normally it's a back injury. I got lucky this time, so now I need to work on strengthening my back muscles.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

again..I have to read your blog to get information. For example..shot? I knew nothing of a shot :p ASS!!!

12:53 PM  
Blogger Sassy said...

Glad you are ok!

11:24 AM  

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