Child seats people....
I had a call the other day where a woman literally bent her Cadillac around a pole. She hit so hard the car was shaped like an "L". She broke the steeing column of the car at the base. Not easy to do. He kids faired no better. The baby was in a forward facing carseat in the front seat next to mommy. Her carseat exploded when the pole entered the passenger area. Peices of the dashboard and her carseat were found in her mouth. She was flown to a major trauma center. The other kids were in the backseat, no seatbelts or booster seats. They bounced around the back stricking the pole and each other. So far the baby has been released, the boy about 2 years old was flown from a local hospital to a major trauma center for treatment, and the girl about 4 was doing well last I heard. It is a wonder any of them survived the impact. Mom is going to jail. I always get very angry when little childred are injured due to someone else's negligence. More so when it is completely preventable. Car seats and booster seats people. Don't make me or my cohorts scrape your children off the road.