Friday, January 25, 2008

Dr. Death is in....

Ok...aside from all of our home drama that has gone back and forth the world continued to spin, and as luck (or should I say bad luck) should have I had to work. At this point I have started looking for an easy button or a reset for January. Being the "new guy" at work and a "baby" medic (less than 1 year experience), I haven't gotten a label. Like "black cloud" "shit magnet" and the like. After the month I've had I've gone straight to being known as Dr. Death. Yesterday we had 2 separate fatal crashes, a cardiac arrest, and a gun shot wound to the head. The last of which we didn't run on but it still happened. I came in the night before my shift and pulled some chase medic time. In the 14 hours I was on station we had a cardiac arrest, and a deceased person at home. I had a streak of 4 cardiac arrests within 36 hours 2 weeks ago. With 2 separate ones in between. People are starting to fear coming to work with me. The ER staff says oh it's you today, when I walk into the ER. I now hate January. My partner last night told me I'm so tired of seeing people die. too??? I mean come on. Someone this morning said that I sit at home trying to come up with new ways for us to find people, or hope for new and interesting ways to work codes. So if anyone has an easy button now would be a good time to let me know about it. 3 of the calls made TV though, so we've got that going for us.


Blogger Sassy said...

I don't think I could handle seeing death everyday.

1:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember back in the day every freakin time we would go somewhere we came upon some sort of accident and you always ran to help. Thank God that doesn't happen now, cuz I know your rep and I can't handle If I can figure out how in the hell I did that, I'll let you know so you can get a break at work :p
But I also think that if this shit didn't happen, you would be bored as hell because you are a trauma junkie for sure! And, you are one hell of a good medic..

3:31 PM  
Blogger fineartist said...

Dr. Death, naa I'd reckon you're more of a Dr. Need A. Break, from the sound of this past month.

We'll just have to hope and pray that February is a really healthy month for the general population in your area.

Fourteen hours? Dear Lord, it must feel as if you're hustling around on automatic pilot or zombie mode at nine hours into those kind of shifts, let alone fourteen.

That's something I don't understand about our society, we work the hell out of our catastrophic workers, crappy horrid shifts, and you have to deal with life and death problems, come up with life and death solutions, and all on little or no sleep, and the pay...don't get me started. What the hell are we thinking?

I don't know your political persuasion but John Edwards has been claiming that he reckons to change a lot of this if he's elected president, by increasing pay for health care professionals and upping their benefits.

Who knows if he can really get something done, but at least he's thinking and talking about it and no one else seems to be.

Thank God you are a trauma junkie, we need trauma junkies. I really admire you guys, I know I've said it before, but I don't think we can really ever say it enough, what you do ever day scares the shit out of me, and would require that I be medicated myself, just to deal with it and then I'd be pretty much useless, and you handle it. You get r done.

Hugs Dr. Get R. Done,

4:52 PM  
Blogger TheBitterAmerican said...

Dear Dr. Kevorkian,...
(sorry, I couldn't help that)

As someone who's been there,...I went through a period of about 6 months early in my medic career where the QA of my patients revealed an abnormally-high level of "failed to be discharged" patients. After awhile, I started to seriously question my treatment modalities and started bugging medical command over the simplest of calls.

The point is, it'll pass, you'll get on with your bad self and look back at these days and laugh!

6:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LMAO @ trekmedic...sorry, but the line "it will pass" cracked me don't's been like this for him FOR YEARS!! lol I think it's past it's "it'll pass" stage :p Wouldn't you agree babe?

8:24 PM  
Blogger pearl said...

I admire you. If it wasnt for people like you, we would be in a world of hurt. Keep up the wonderful work you do, and I hope things will be easier for you from now on.

7:49 PM  
Blogger Coyote Bebop said...

Today, I made a hat out of straw.

12:13 PM  

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