Sunday, August 22, 2010

For Mom

Mom is a special lady, I suppose all Moms are.  I suppose we all hold a special place for our own Mom.  My Mom has always been there.  I may not have understood what she was doing, but I know she always had good intent.  In May I found out Mom was diagnosed with esophageal cancer.  On Wednesday August 11 2010, she died.  She spent her last days surrounded by friends and family.  A near constant stream of folks in and out of her hospital room.  People that had come by to show support, thank her for being a friend, tell her how much they would miss her.  I played the role of composed, tough guy, the oldest child keeping it together for everyone else.  It was a tough role to play.  I did it as best I could.  I haven't addressed her as Mommy in more than 25 years, but if she were here today I would.  I miss that woman.  The smell of her cooking, her windsong perfume, the warm hugs saying I'm glad your here Bud.  But she's gone.  My world is empty and cold.  I cry when I'm alone.  I hurt, I called her phone, but she answers no more.  No more Christmas or Thanksgiving dinners.  No more laughter.  Mommy, please come back.  I miss you.


Blogger Dissident Daughter said...

I've been a lurker on your blog for quite awhile. Love your postings and your style.

I read this post and cried. It has been three and a half years since I lost my Mom to breast cancer. She was 87. I still miss her and wish I had her back.

Know that it does get easier to handle. The pain comes in bits now instead of waves. I feel your loss and understand your pain. I offer hope and a promise that you'll be okay.

1:13 PM  

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