Wednesday, February 06, 2008

It's always something...

So in a rare change of fortune, I didn't have a single patient yesterday. My partner did. But hell, I only ran on 2 calls. Anyway...So we have this really uneventful shift with tornado warnings and lightning and localized flooding and wind and suff...but we only had between both trucks like 5 calls. So it comes 7 am and we catch a call for a suicidal person. Now our director/chief doesn't like the paramedic unit to take those unless the person actually attempts suicide. So I called dispatch center real quick to find out if they tried or was just talking about it. They said just talking about it. So I handed that call off to the other truck. It took them like 5 minutes to get going. As soon as they did the bossman called. He was like wtf was that. SO I explained somebody had to put their duty pants back on cause she sleeps on duty in her PJ pants. Now this person, we'll call her "Q", was already like on double probation for behavior/attitude. I guess she just didn't get it. So the bigman and me and one of the other supervisors met on the subject. The decision was made to let her go. Now I haven't been a supervisor a year yet so this is not something I've ever had to do. But Bossman wanted me as Q's supervisor to be in there too when it went down. Another supervisor was present to serve as witness. So it came to pass, and to be honest it sucked. She wasn't a bad person or even a "bad employee", just got into trouble with her mouth more than she should. I feel bad cause she's got a family to support just like I do. But I told her a couple shifts ago, I want to help you...but you're making it real hard for me to do any good. I didn't even try this morning, it would have been futile. I love what I do, and in a lot of ways I am what I do. I fell into the crack of becoming the job. But this morning just wasn't cool.


Blogger Sassy said...

Well it sounds like you tried to help her. Sometimes people just have to help themselves first!

9:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guess's not February anymore! yay!

7:09 PM  
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7:27 PM  

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