Monday, June 12, 2006

It's Over!!!!!

Well today was the final, last, not going no more, day of class. Our written final was today. 200 multiple choice questions and 20 EKG strip interpretations. I feel pretty good about this one. I guess becuase in reality, either way, I don't have to go back to class. I do have some clinicals and some precepting to get done. So it all down yet, but at least I get my Mondays and Thursdays back. Strange thing is after it was over, nobody wanted to leave. We started off with 14 and there are 11 of us left to try to get registry done so we can go out there and deliver the best curbside care anywhere. I feel proud of myself, proud of my family for sticking with me through this, and proud of my 10 peers who have sat through boring lectures, hours of workbook homework, and months of nervous worry and anticipation. I feel sad because these 10 folks have become a second family to me. We spent at least 16 hours a week together, had lunch together, stuck each other with needles, tortured and swore at each other. My friends Nate, Kris, Mark and Mark, Chino, Tina, Tiffany, Kathy, Meagan, and Jodi. I will undoubtedly hold a special place in my heart for these folks. I typical Paramedic class loses 50% either during or immediately after cardiology. We lost 1 person. I really hope that we are all able to at least keep track of each other as the years go by, but I know that will not be. More stuff as it developes. This was supposed to be my last post, but then again I still a little left to do. So I guess it'll go on for a little while yet. See you on the street.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'd really like you to keep in touch with Tina..she's the stripper right? *rolls eyes* Anyway, you did good. I told you that you would and you did. See how right and wonderful I am? :P Congrats!!

9:13 PM  
Blogger Medic 4 said...

You have been right there with me through all this. I don't know how much you mean to me. I love you and thanks baby!!!

9:19 PM  
Blogger Sassy said...

Good job, Steve!

Im a stripper...i strip every night to put my pj's on.

9:03 AM  

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