Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Getting through it

My wife has a good friend named "Sassy". I would like to take a minute to say something to her. Sassy, I have read your writings for a little while now and your latest posting makes me feel like saying something. So here it is. I know that you have gone through quite a bit in your life, and your world has completely collapsed around you the last months. It is extremely dark now, it is extremely hard now. I'm sure you have a lot of days where you don't want to even get out of bed. It will eventually get better. Maybe not today and maybe not tomorrow, but soon enough. The other thing is, it also has the potential to get worse, much, much worse. You will get through it. From the things I have heard about you, you will survive by sheer stubbornness alone. You are about to have a great support net in place. You will see that even though it's horrible and it may seem like there is no end in sight. It will get better. I know this. I ask you now to fight. Put every ounce of energy you have into it and fight for all you're worth. Be strong and have faith. The cavalry is coming. It's going to take us a while to get to you, so you have to hold out a little longer. I have faith in you, you will come through this. We will help you. We will push, pull, drag, or carry you. You will not be left to do this on your own. There are people in this world that care for you. I'm married to one. I don't know you yet but I care about you because of the bond you have with Jess. I keep telling her to tell you to hang in there. So now I'M telling you. HANG IN THERE. I didn't write this to you to be mean, just to let you know there are people you haven't even met that care about you and want to get through this dark time you are having. Don't give up. Don't worry about being alone or without a relationship. You don't really need that to go with what you got going on now. I know you'd feel a little better, but it's just a band-aid. Just keep going, we'll be there soon.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

HA!! See Sassy, I ain't the only one pullin for ya! I luv ya girl!! :p

10:41 AM  
Blogger Sassy said...

awwww...dammmit...i didnt wanna cry today!!!! But these are good tears. I love you guys! :X

9:16 AM  

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