More funny stuff
Some of you may or may not know, most EMS folks speak in acronyms. There are several.
I have decided to share some with you. Here they are....
AFU-all fucked up
AHF- acute hissy fit
AQR-ain't quite right
ART- assuming room temperature (dead)
BM&W-bitch, moan & whine
BOHICA-bend over here it comes again
CATS-cut all to shit
CC-cancel christmas
CCFCCP-coo coo for cocoa puffs
CTD-circling the drain
DFO-done fell out
DILLIGAF-do I look like I give a fuck
DND-damn near dead
DOB-dead on bed
DRT-dead right there
DPS-dumb parent syndrome
NMS-new mommy syndrome
DWPA-dying with paramedic assistance
EMT-every menial task
EMS-earn money sleeping
FDSTW-found dead stayed that way
FDBG-fall down go boom
FTD-fixin to die
FUBAR-fucked up beyond all recognition
GOMER-get out of my ER
GRAHOB-grim reaper at head of bed
HIBGIA-had it before got it again
KISS-keep it simple stupid
LOLNAD-little old lady no acute distress
LOLFDGB-little old lady fal down go boom
LDF-lying down fit
MARWB-met at road with bag
MUH-messed up heart
NLPR-no longer playing records
PUHA-pick up haul ass
PBAB-pine box at bedside
PBS-pretty bad shape
PCL-pre-code looking
PEFYC-pre-extricated for your convenience (normally throught the windshield by ejection)
PCO- passed clean out
PPA-practicing professional alcoholic
TBC-total body crunch
TMB- too many birthdays
SIO-sleeping it off
TSTL-too stupid to live
WADAO-weak and dizzy all over
WUD-woke up dead
I have decided to share some with you. Here they are....
AFU-all fucked up
AHF- acute hissy fit
AQR-ain't quite right
ART- assuming room temperature (dead)
BM&W-bitch, moan & whine
BOHICA-bend over here it comes again
CATS-cut all to shit
CC-cancel christmas
CCFCCP-coo coo for cocoa puffs
CTD-circling the drain
DFO-done fell out
DILLIGAF-do I look like I give a fuck
DND-damn near dead
DOB-dead on bed
DRT-dead right there
DPS-dumb parent syndrome
NMS-new mommy syndrome
DWPA-dying with paramedic assistance
EMT-every menial task
EMS-earn money sleeping
FDSTW-found dead stayed that way
FDBG-fall down go boom
FTD-fixin to die
FUBAR-fucked up beyond all recognition
GOMER-get out of my ER
GRAHOB-grim reaper at head of bed
HIBGIA-had it before got it again
KISS-keep it simple stupid
LOLNAD-little old lady no acute distress
LOLFDGB-little old lady fal down go boom
LDF-lying down fit
MARWB-met at road with bag
MUH-messed up heart
NLPR-no longer playing records
PUHA-pick up haul ass
PBAB-pine box at bedside
PBS-pretty bad shape
PCL-pre-code looking
PEFYC-pre-extricated for your convenience (normally throught the windshield by ejection)
PCO- passed clean out
PPA-practicing professional alcoholic
TBC-total body crunch
TMB- too many birthdays
SIO-sleeping it off
TSTL-too stupid to live
WADAO-weak and dizzy all over
WUD-woke up dead
Woke UP Dead...rotflmao!! dork :p
How in the heck do you remember some of these acronyms? Gads, I would NEVER make it as an emergency person.
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