Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Just when I thought I had seen everything....

Picture it if you can, a warm sunny spring day in northwestern Indiana. First one like it this spring so far. A busy day for us at EMS, call after call after call. Working hard but really enjoying it and remembering why I started in this career to begin with. Then the calls mysteriously stop....the powers that be saving the best calls for later? Maybe. Then it happens...the sun goes down, but the temperature doesn't really drop much and worst part of it all...A FULL MOON!!!! The next thing we know another call comes in "Station 2 respond for the female who has been bitten by a"....get ready for this kids...."Misquito!" Yes I said it right a friggin misquito. What kind of crap s that. I asked my Captain if we should call the police to come out with us to make sure if the mosquito had left the scene. We arrive on scene to find a woman who said she was bit by a misquito. I asked her if she was serious and it burned. Long story short, she did NOT go with us to the ER. I so desperately wanted to smack her in the head for being stupid. What do you guys think? Would you call an ambulance if you were bitten by a ferocious mosquito? Next time I get bit by a skeeter then I will call for one.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If she had a skeeter on her peter, you could have knocked it off...

3:41 PM  
Blogger Sassy said...

Omg you little hooker! I was going to say that!!!!

And yes...if the skeeter is HUGE i'd need back up! Maybe she was scared of getting the west nile virus. But yep...that was silly.

A full moon does crazy shit to people.

6:57 AM  
Blogger fineartist said...

Okay, sounds like that chick was bitten by the stupid bug, either that or she was way drunk.

Doesn't it take a while for west nile symptoms to manifest?

I think you guys probably could have gotten away with slapping her on the bite, you could of told her it was the remedy...hehe.

12:00 PM  

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