Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Done...Sort of

The time has come to pass where all my time and energy spent over the last 18 months in school. I am finished with all my training, allegedly I know all that can be taught. Allegedly. I talked with my instructors today and they are sending my completion verification to the National Registry of EMT's so I can take my big test. I have a tentative test date of 15 February. Now that is really going to happen I see what the others before me freaked out about. Hopefully it won't be too bad. You get 6 chances to take it. You have to get 70% overall and 70% in each category to pass. So if I get a 89% overall but get a 69% in pharmacology I still fail. Nice huh. A coworker of mine went last month to take his 6th and final attempt, he missed it by like 4 questions. So he will not be a paramedic. If he still wants to do it, he has to take the entire course over again. I think I would find another line of work. He seems to be doing ok about it though. So here comes the final push up the hill so to speak. I also have to take a physical skills test, but I'm not sweating that one too much, you can't over interpret a skill. So wish me luck, I hope I don't need too much of it to get it done. So far out of my class 4 people have gone to take it, 3 passed on the first try. That is almost unheard of. That gives me hope. The guy that failed it missed it by one question. So I have hope.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

That's not good....

Saturday was another work day for me. Started of like any other, last shift's crew had been busy with 15 calls between midnight and 8 am. So, we're fixin to go out and check the truck for the day, when a call comes in for a man with weakness. Turns out this guy is bleeding to death out his butthole. Commonly refered to as a GI bleeder. Has a very distinct smell. So we get this almost dead looking guy on the cot (stretcher) and start to take him downstairs. As were close in on the landing I felt the most GAWDAWFUL sensation. A tearing bruning feeling goes shooting down the right side of my back. Not good. We get him to the hospital and I am placed out of service and admitted to the ER. X-rays didn't really show anything so I get a shot of Tordol in my butt. Now I am not a big fan of shots, or needles, but Tordol works. Long story short I got sent home, and I had to be cleared to return to work. Every EMS person wonders when the day will come that will permenantly retire them from service. Normally it's a back injury. I got lucky this time, so now I need to work on strengthening my back muscles.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year

It's the new year and I was planning on spending the evening's festivities at home with the mrs. medic. But, I went to work. Working a holiday...again. I have y reasons. Money. Nothing more than that. Simply wanting to put some extra money on my check. I'm know the wife would rather have me home. But the plain fact is that I lost around 10,000 dollars in OT this past year to go to school. That hurt. Bad. But, I had a chance to make a little of it up. So I left her alone again...I know it hurts her to feel alone, and I fear what the end result of that happening to many times will be. I've read the bloggy things that other people write. I know what could happen. I know she's not happy. I can hear it in her voice when I talk to her. It's resonates loudly over the telephone, I ask what's wrong. Always the same "nothing" reply. But I hear the disappointment, frustration, and anguish. I don't like spending more than half of my time gone. I like the money that it brings, but I don't like being gone. So have I sold my soul to the company, no I'm just greedy. She needs to go to school and start her career that she's been waiting on. I know. She will sooner than later. We had a decent day today I think. Not great, but pretty decent. Now with a new certification coming up for me, and a pay raise to go with it, we can finally get the ball rolling and stuff. More money means less time at work. Yay!! Maybe this year I can stay home more and she came finally start getting her education. I love you Jess!!!