Friday, December 29, 2006

The last 5 hours....

Yesterday was the day I have been waiting on for a while now. The last 5 hours of ride time. Two calls, nothing big. But they still count. My evaluator said I'm good to go. She will be dropping off my paperwork from her on Monday or Tuesday. I'm going to drop mine on Tuesday. I found a test date for my practical skills evaluation. Jan 26 if I can get in. I got my application for my written test sent in. This is part everybody freaks out about. I'm going to stay confident. Nervous but confident. I don't have to give up every third day for free anymore. Yay for me!!! If the rest of this goes well, I'll have a lot of options as far as getting a new job. A paramedic cert is like gold in this state, almost any state. So that will be good. Not much else to say for now.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


We had our first "family" Christmas at out house this year. Everything went pretty smoothly I think. I tried real hard to be nice to eveybody this year so they would want to do it again. Suprisingly enough it was not hard! For the first time in a VERY long time there was a little magic in Christmas for me. I don't exactly why, maybe it's that I am a little older, maybe I cared more this year than in years past, maybe it's because I know we won't have these forever. It doesn't matter because it was pretty good, even borderline great! I got a lot of great stuff, I tried to get Jess some good stuff, and I think I did ok for her...except for picking gloves as a gift since she already has some. But I did ok since I picked out the stuff to her from me and the kids basically on the run. Next year will be better with having more time to work with. I even listened to Christmas music on the way home from picking up some emergency call-off time work on X-mas Eve. We even got to sleep all night at work. Pretty good if you ask me. From the misses and kids I got 2 CD's (Evanescence, Jason Aldean). Colts liscence plate frame and decal. 3 Amigos on DVD. A glass bottle with a real cork. Yes I am exicted about that...see previous posts reference Civil War reenacting and you'll get it. I got many clothes from Mom, I needed those since I basically live in an EMS uniform for the last year and half (thanks to Methodist for that one). From sis a new penguin mug, not an exact replacement for the one that fell and broke. But still a nice mug. I got like an entire case of Vienna weiners from Mom. Which is pretty funny, I used to eat those a lot in the room in an Abrams tank so they store well and have a shelf life of like 2 years. So I got that going for me. A book from Mom that brought some hidden away mushy stuff back to the front of my mind. A summer grandaddy Spook used to eat a lot of summer sausage, and I picked it up from him. I actually got to looking and could see the joy and wonderment on the faces of my boys and girl. So for me this year Santa Claus is real again. Just a little bit of that magic that is there when you are 6 or 7 years old and go to see all the packages that weren't there the night before. The only part that kinda put a smudge on the day was a brief arguement between me and the misses. She does so much around the house and with the kids. Quite a bit I don't get to see her do, it just gets done. I know there is no housework fairy to come in and do it. I don't help her out enough. Normally by the time I get to thinking she needs some's mostly done. I know she works hard and gets little thanks for it. I appreciate it but it's not always well shown. I want to come home and relax after work, but unlike other folks my getting home time is their getting going time. Not to mention I have been feeling pretty beat up lately and my bakc is downright killing me. No fun. HOPEFULLY, my last evaluator is signing me off from my precepting and the 28th will be the last 5 hours I will ever have to work for free. Let's all cross our fingers on that one. It's the last big push and I am SO tired of it. So to you who happen to read these lines, I hope you found some magic this Christmas, and your stockings were filled with coal. Love your family, give them big hugs. To Jess, Merry Christmas. I hope everybody gets a brand new start this New Year, we all need a new start every now and again. Not a do over mind just a chance to get that right path figured out and started on. Do it for yourself anf the folks you love. If you are down hang in a little longer, and let somebody know. It's not worth keeping it in. I have seen the results, and it's not pretty. Happy Holiday, whatever you observe.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

18 hours to go

Ok so when we last left our medic student he was trying to get the last little bit finished. I'm down to the last 18 hours of required time. Seemed like it would never end. My last day is supposed to be Dec 22. But I need 100 hours, and the 22nd only gives me 94 so I still need six more for a grand total of 18. Sucks. I don't want to work Christmas for free, since this will be the first time in five years I've had X-mas eve and day off from my paying job. So I guess I will have to do it on the 28th. Even though I want to get it done sooner than later. My wife seems to think I got some other thing I want to do since I would be giving up Christmas with her and the kids. I understand her point of staying with them on Christmas. I'm just so stinking tired of doing this and it getting delayed or pushed back and now here we are at Christmas and I thought I could have been done by Thanksgiving at the latest. I just want it to end. I'm tired of being the "student" and having to give up my time for no compensation. I have other things I'd like to do like...I don't know stay home and eat a meal with my wife and kids, or watch a movie. I have netflix and I think I've seen 1 movie in the last 3 months. Wife just watches and then asks me if I want to send it back or keep it so I can see it. I tell her send it back cause I know I won't ge to watch it. My Tater man speaks so much more clearly than he did not long ago. I don't know when that happened. Everything goes by so fast, and I am missing it. So to sum it up, I don't want to miss any part of Christmas festivities...but I'm tired of it taking longer than I planned. The worst part is wife thinks I'm up to no good. I don't need that crap to go with everything else. That's extra stress I need, thanks a lot. I don't know what else to say about that. I was also trying to get the family to my house for X-mas cause wife said she wanted to have one at our house for once. I agree with her on that. But then I get to be labeled the ASSHOLE again, as usual. This whole thing is starting to get to me. I NEED a vacation, no work, no school, no outside stresses, just some time away...Just the 5 of us away from everything.