Thursday, July 26, 2007

A medic is born....

After all I have gone through and the parts I wrote about...I became a brand new "baby medic" on the 5th of April, 2007. I spent a month at Porter EMS before being forced away. They had been trying to get me for more than a year. They think they won, but they didn't. Cause they got rid of a good one then had to fire one for drug abuse, not to mention they were already short one. I hope that service and it's leadership falls flat on their face. In the meanwhile I got to take my happy ass home. I found a new job pretty quick and a new place to live and within a couple weeks we were relocated. I hope that everything will work out for the best here. For those of you that read a little and stuff, thanks. I will be reading everybody else's stuff but this is it for me I think. So if we never cross paths again reader, I wish you the best. Have a safe journey through whatever road life takes you down.