Tuesday, March 20, 2007

It is over...FINALLY, FOR REAL

Well, I went to Memphis, took my test and blew it away. Alot of folks said they had no doubt. Glad they were so sure, I was too, but in a lesser degree. So I took the thing and then made a good night not so good by getting upset with the missesmedic (aka Jess). She has been real good to me but I got a bad thought in my head and it got the better of me. So to her I am both apologetic and grateful for all she has done for me, I couldn't have done any of this without you baby! It's kind of anti-climactic. You spend all this time and energy and money to get through school and I take the test and pass and the guy in charge says "You're all done, so go on home and you'll get your packet in the mail in a couple weeks". So now I have to wait around for the mail, I thought this had taken long enough. But I can wait I guess, what else will I do. In a few weeks I will finally get to go home, for good. I get to realize my dream of getting a house with a yard in a relatively safe place for my babies to grow and porch with a swing for me and Jess to get old on. In reality I know this will be a little less than easy, I have been at my present job just short of 5 years, which is actually the longest I ever spent in one place. To those of you that have been following along, I wanted to give a small look at what it takes to make a medic, maybe I did, maybe I didn't. I had some stumbles along the way, but it's done. So now I think I will quit EMS and become a carnie or something. Maybe not. This will most likely not be my last post, but probably one of the last few. I have a new part to my career I need to get ready for, and I family to take care of the right way, so you may not hear from me much from now on. But if you need me I'll be there, just give me a call...the number's 911.
