Wednesday, September 06, 2006

A full moon...

I noticed this evening as I went to put more diesel in the ambulance that moon is very full. It is also the strangest color of orange. Not a good sign. I hope our night is uneventful. But at the same time it's "fun" to be busy. Not that I'm a cold heartless bastard, I'm not. The thing is, I am pretty good at what I do. I know that if something bad is going to happen in my response area I want to be there to give that unfortunate someone the best chance I can for survival. Some people call that arrogance. I call it confidence. I would much rather be out in the worst weather, with people in the worst condition. It's what I do, and if you happen to be here when it happens to you...don't worry I'll be there as fast as I can.

I'm human, nothing special.....

I passed a little boy in the ER the other day. He smiled at me as I started to walk by where his Mommy was being treated. The closer I got, the bigger his smile got. I heard him say to his Dad.."there's a paramedic daddy, he's my hero". Now I stopped dead in my tracks, I leaned down to him and said "how are you buddy". He turned about as red as red can be. I didn't have one thing to say to him. So I gave him a high five and a hand shake and off I went. That little boy called me his hero. I got to thinking about it, I was that little boy once.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

I'm back...for now

I took a brief hiatus from everything for a little while to get the last of my ER clinicals done. I'm glad that's over. So now I'm back. I don't know much of what to say though. Monster storm riped through town. Took out my shade tree in the front yard. Nice big maple it was. Now it's mulch. Not sure whose mulch...but still I now have no shade in my front yard. I think it is an improvement. And we don't have to mow around it. What else.....I got a birthday coming up. The big 30. Yay for me. I thought about it the other day, I have no idea where time has gone. I just looked around and it was gone. My hair is turning gray. My bones pop. I'm starting to fall apart. Still my life has been pretty good. I got 3 wonderful kids (ok they can be a little bratty sometimes), a beautiful wife that loves me. After 10 years I am so amazed and blessed to have her in my life. I have a strange fascination with how she does all she does. I don't tell her about it. But I mean come on, she chases a screaming (literally) 2 year old, wakes and dresses for school a 5 year old, and constantly tries to teach some common sense to a 9 year old girl. Then she cleans and vaccuums the house. Makes meals that have on more than one occassion been better than what Mom used to make. Then she cleans that up and some how still finds time to play with the kids, mow the yard, cure heart disease, cancer and juvenile diabetes. Ok the last part she didn't do, but you get my point. And then asks me about my day for the tiny little time I've been home lately. She is wonderful beyond compare, and I don't know how she does it. Then there are the parts of her I like the most. No not those parts, heads out of the gutter folks. Her laugh, every once in a while I make her laugh. It makes me feel so very special to make her laugh. She has the most beautiful eyes. One of the first things I noticed about her were her eyes. She has had so much hardship and disappointment in her life. I hope now that my education is complete, I can give more of the things she wants and deserves. Next week marks 11 years for us together as a couple. There is not enough room here for all of the wonderful things I know about her. I love you baby!!!!