Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Class goes on....

Well now, 2 weeks of class down countless others yet to go. So far I am not finding anything too difficult. I am starting to see it already in the others though. There is one I am completely convinvced will not pass the first module test. I could be wrong though. Nice girl but she only been an EMT a few months. Doesn't look well for her. Anatomy and, fun, fun. Cells and tissues and organs. Yea. Finally got our workbook that goes with one of our 7 textbooks. Yea. We didn't have them at the start of class. So we gotta get those caught up to where we should be. Yea. Write till you fingers bleed. Oh well, it'll be worth it in the end. It's gonna get worse, and soon I think.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Here goes nothing....

Well I started this little thing to serve as a journal through my paramedic class. A normal class lasts from 1 to 2 years. Mine will be 9 months. So I have stopped calling myself a paramedic student and have changed my title to paramedic fetus. First week is over and I have found that so far I am not feeling out of my league, so to speak. I can tell there are some classmates that are going to is already plainly obvious. I had come into this with really high hopes and great expectations...I have looked at it a little closer and my goal of finishing first in my class has changed to just not finishing last. There is always this thought though...what do you call a paramedic that graduates with a D? Paramedic. I'm not a D student so I still feel pretty confident. We shall see......more to follow.